Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recording first time baby says 'Granny'. Granny or a Nonna like me?

Dear R and other Babyboomers out there,
R wrote (she is a COG - crazy old Gal, like me and is going to be a granny soon - yeah!!!) -

- I'm toying with the idea of a camcorder, perhaps as simple as the kodak Zi8. I like the idea of the external microphone to capture sounds like, yes, the first time baby says granny! Didn't find one at Walmart, so the search is still on, with that being half the fun. I use a nikon D200 that was a gift from B back a few years. I love it, and admit to also not beginning to use all its features. I need to get back to the basics of depth of field and all that good stuff again. So much to learn. My problem is not what to do with my time, but how to find time to do everything I want to do. So perhaps we should add time management TM to our SR list. I often feel like a jack of all trades, master of none because I love so many things. My blog project has been great as it pulls everything together for me. There is much to be said for having a full plate. No time to wallow in the mire. Now that leads me to .....
you guessed it... Come on Baby light my fire, now is not the time to retire. List of words that rhyme with retire:

admire, buyer, dyer, dire, fire, higher, hire, liar, mire, plier, sire, tire, wire
Feel a song coming on?        Clara -   .....Your Energy I admire........
Talking about recording Grandchildren's first words, are you going to be a Granny, Nana, or a Nonna like me?
The name I chose for myself in this role , which I know suggests, correctly, that I was struggling somewhat with the whole concept, ..... was 'Nonna". Why not "Nana" which was the traditional name for the role in my family? Probably because I was in denial at the time and could not yet relate to the image/stereotype. I was not ready for the role; circumstances were complicated.   I am now really comfortable with the role-name as it allows paternal grandmothers to be 'Nana" and be different from me the 'Nonna'.

Nonna is of course, Italian, for grandmother (grandfather is Nonno) and even though I am not Italian, I feel that I have a soul / mindset that embraces what it means to be a nonna. The extended family is still alive and well in Italy and in Europe. People don't travel to the extent that they do from Australia, NZ or USA. I believe that children grow well in an extended family situation and recent studies suggest that children who have influence / caring from grandparents are ahead of the rest.

My grandparents were there for me or at least the grandmothers were. By the time I had any real awareness the grandfathers had passed away as many of them did in those days - silent sufferers who probably ignored symptoms until it was too late, except for Great Grandpa (paternal) who lived to 100 and received a telegram from the Queen. He said to me as we were about to move on to Australia "You are so fair that you could be an albino except for your eyes." Sometimes grandparents talk like that, as though you are really not there and that you are like a family specimen to be examined for your attributes etc.

A cot in your studio sounds lovely.  Using discarded broken pieces from another life as in today's piece, Flotsam, is a beautiful concept. Not only 'Everything old is New Again' but more than that when 'discarded, broken' becomes beautiful.
Cheers Clara
ps - I am not ignoring your TM - Time Management - just haven't had enough time.
Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

Flotsam...March 20th

Flotsam, discarded odds and ends. Pottery shards are just that, discarded broken pieces from another life. A land fill of sorts that pops up through the soil much like the first green shoots of spring. I decided to finally make something of my favorite shards in hopes that they will last in time in someone's collection, rather than become flotsam.

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1 comment:

  1. Dear C

    It will no doubt be granny as my mom was granny to my daughter, although babcha is also a possibility. Babcha Notta and Babcha Ula. This child will be bilingual with Babcha Ula speaking Polish to him. He will also be good at pantomine, as that is how Ula and I communicate when at a loss for words. How frustrating, to not be able to communicate with Ula like we are able to. She is a bright, funny, hardworking woman who left her home in Poland to be here with her grandchildren who really need her. She has become so much more than an employee. She is my good friend and companion with a wonderful story to tell and example to follow in grandparenting. How different our lives are by fate. I keep going back to the fact that we are able to successfully retire because we are so LUCKY! Lucky in life, lucky in love, just plain lucky. We have the luxury to retire happily, healthfully and economically secure. I take none of that for granted.



    Ole girl we can go much higher
    You know I'd never be a liar
    I'm off to work with pewtar wire
    and take photos in the mud and mire
    Come on baby...

    ps..please be my speel check


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