Thursday, December 10, 2009

Parenting v Grandparenting

Hi there
You know what? Parenting has to be considered one of life's most amazing experiences.

To decide or otherwise to have a baby and go through the steps to make it happen, is perhaps the most important / significant decision couples or singles will ever make in their lives. We did it for whatever reason - BB's had the role modelling of the 1940's where the model was changing - 'The notion of what jobs a woman could do, expanded from nuturers who had no other destiny but to get married and have children. Up until then it was considered a woman's duty to have children in order to populate the nation.'

Grandparenting is equally an amazing role, where we have layer upon layer. We are no longer the major controllers / influencers of either our children and their children and yet we are there as role models, carers etc A sensitive space in which to find oneself.

A week of balancing a single/separated situation where I am in the middle as the Nonna, is rewarding / exhausting. And then they go home.