Friday, March 19, 2010

Good Morning Vietnam

  Hi guys
G wrote - I can't send photos as all the computers here are old models, don't have card readers, if I find one I will send a few. We are in Na Trang today which is a small coastal town known for it's fishing and pearl industry. The pace is much slower here so easier to appreciate. I am finding it hard to get a good sleep, the beds are Futons, bloody hard mattress, hard to get comfortable, however its all clean -  good otherwise, can't complain for $25 a day. The beer from the bier hoi (beer hall) is regulated to 4000 dong which is about 25 cents a glass, you just have to sit in the gutter with the locals to drink it, very social here??

Clara - Looked up Na Trang  - Looks like a fusion of the past/present.  It must feel strange being back there under different circumstances.

Futons - the bed from Hell  - why do they do it?  Is the beer good?
Love Clara

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1 comment:

  1. another key to SR...a good's night sleep. Futons, ugh, like trying to sleep between a rock and a hard place.



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