Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Leunig slant for a Happy New Year


A few images and sentiments borrowed from Michael Leunig 

to herald 2018

 Best wishes and a few added thoughts  

With love    Claire and Graham


(Many good books)

Getting there

(Happy journey - maybe change direction to go with the tide?)

The night we lost our marbles

(Hopefully not on New Years Eve!)

(Bottom line)

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Babyboomer loves finger limes

Hi there Babyboomers

  I won't go into explaining yet- enough to say " Hi again and it's good to be back to being a blogger."

So I'll leave it at that and hope you have had a meaningful day.

Finger lime pearls from The Lime Caviar Company, winner of the Outstanding Innovation

at the delicious. Produce Awards

I'm actually really excited about finger limes. 
They are often referred to as ‘citrus caviar’ due to the delicate ‘crystals’ of pulp contained within the fruit releasing fresh bursts of citrus. 

More to come from NSW, Australia.

Cheers Clara

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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Planks Pushups Groans!

A Wednesday selection of our 'Older Adults' Class of 2016
with our valiant leader, Clinton  (Front Centre)

Here we are at our last session at 'Fitness First, Mosman' for 2016 as we follow Clinton's instructions and benefit from his expertise and encouragement.  He tailors his classes to suit a wide diversity in fitness goals and physical ability levels and the participants, including myself, have expressed improvement in functional fitness. 

Often supported by TRX 's  we perform mainly strengthening and balancing exercises, with other mat exercises such as 'plank' and push-ups "groan", all of which assist in maintaining fitness and flexibility.  

He will often explain why a particular movement relates to daily life such as enabling good balance if you trip, making the movement more meaningful; partnering up occasionally in an activity adds to the important social aspect.

Most of us have been attending the 3 half hour a week sessions all year and intend to continue next year, hopefully with Clinton, but we are confident that if he is unable to take the class that he will ensure that we are looked after to continue our good work.

At the same time we enjoy the company of other people and afterwards often share viewpoints over a cup of coffee. 

There are many thoughtful and caring people around Mosman; our group was fortunate to have such a motivated instructor. Thanks Clinton.

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