Monday, September 20, 2010

Serious babyboomer anti-ageing stuff - It's now or never, Girls (and boys)

Dear Babyboomers
OK, let's get serious about this babyboomer anti-ageing stuff.  No, not the email jokes, and yes, some of them are underwhelmingly funny, ha ha, but others too close to the truth to be comfortable especially when one has experienced the occasional 'Senior's Moment' due to  inattention of the moment.  I have banned any ageist talk from my territory - trust me, your inner young vital self hears this stuff and absorbs it, so best to avoid it.

My darling husband, known blogwise as G, now knows better than to refer to me affectionately as, "Old Girl".  He now knows that all it gets him is a very negative response.   Also, G, you are not the detective on my brain case.  I am responsible for my own brain and don't need references to when I choose to be forgetful.  I  have been responsible for decades - which has ensured that the children in my care have been responsibly and lovingly  nutured. 

However, now they are responsible for themselves - yes - and now it is time for us.

OK, that's all I have to say for today.

Passionately Clara

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