Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Babyboomer Women dress up and show up

Dear Babyboomer Women
My desk calendar tells me today, "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up". 
In the process of compiling, with your help, the Secrets to Successful Retirement", this has to be a biggy.  'Get up' - well - sometimes not easy,  'Dress up', whatever that means to you but I find even though it is tempting to go out in my 'comfies'  or at least my gym shoes, it's worth the effort to make an effort, even if it's to add a flattering scarf or an interesting neckpiece.  It is said by the colour experts that you can correct an unflattering colour choice by adding one of your flattering colours in the upper left quadrant.

Get Looped...May 11th
Brighten up your outfit
 with my new loop necklace with pewter pendant. R

'Show up' is the really important one here as it suggests that there has been some planning to go somewhere, meet someone, perhaps a commitment to engage in an activity.

Tuesday is traditionally a blah day - with rainy Tuesdays the worst - maybe this is because it is situated in a blah  position in the week (Monday is first, Wednesday, the middle, Thursday getting towards the end of the week, Friday, Yeahh.  Tuesday - nothing much really.  Tuesday's activities, in our local paper includes all these exciting activites - well - at least one or two may appeal, and this is before you take advantage of the Evening and Day College, Private clubs etc -  7am - 8-15am - North Sydney Sunrise Rotary, breakfast at Plato Restaurant,  9-30am - 2-30pm: Cards, Bridge, Jigsaw, Internet Access at Neutral Bay: Seniors Community Centre;  10am-11am:  Tai chi for seniors, Crows Nest,  10am - noon: Mah-jong for all;  10am - 2pm: Computer Club; 11-30 - 12-30: Heartmoves gentle exercise;  Noon to 2pm:  lunch at Mosman Square Seniors Centre for $9;  12-45pm - 2pm: Rotary Club Mosman, Horizons Restaurant;  6-30pm Free Tai chi for beginners at Nth Sydney; 6-30- 7-30 Yoga and meditation at St john's Uniting Church, Neutral Bay, 7-30 pm - 8-30pm: Meditation at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre  

Off to do some errands,  meet a friend etc so add  scarf and neckpiece and begin surgical process of removing gym shoes - anyone for Tai chi? 
Cheers Clara
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