Monday, March 22, 2010

Babyboomer Women relating to Marilyn French book 'The Love Children'

Dear Babyboomers 
R wrote - Started Marilyn French's last book, The Love Children. So far so good. review this as follows

The Love Children (2005)
A novel by Marilyn French

Marilyn French's 1977 novel The Women's Room epitomized the feminist movement and became one of the most influential books of our time. Now she has captured the complexities of life for the daughters of the Women's Room generation in her highly anticipated new novel The Love Children.

It is the late 1960s in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Grateful Dead is playing on the radio and teenagers are wearing long hair and blue jeans. Jess Leighton, the daughter of a temperamental painter and a proto-feminist Harvard professor, is struggling to make sense of her world amid racial tensions, Vietnam War protests, and anti-government rage. With more options than her mother's generation, but no role model for creating the life she desires, Jess experiments with sex and psychedelic drugs as she searches for happiness on her own terms. In the midst of joining and fleeing a commune, growing organic vegetables, and operating a sustainable restaurant, Jess grapples with the legacy of her mother's generation.

Clara - Can't wait to read it - sounds great -  set in the era we are revisiting especially with G being in Vietnam.  Love your mobius scarf - silk screened with a photo - I had a Silk Screen Cottage Industry in the 80's but my mind boggles at being able to silk screen knits. 
Still haven't forgotten Time Management or Looking in Mirrors.
Cheers Clara

Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

In Ruins...March 21st
Continuous Scarf silkcreened with a photo I took of indian ruins in New Mexico

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