Thursday, February 18, 2010

Creative Retirement - Be Like Water and Flow

Investigate Feb 18
Loom Knit Vest with Scarf

Hi Renotta.
Thanks for the photos of your studio - it's wonderful to have a "room of your own" - to create your beautiful pieces. Can I post them?
I reread my cog from yesterday - I have decided to just 'Be like water and flow' and see where it leads me. The great thing is that there are no real rules for cogging unless we make them so perhaps this could be the first non-rule.

Creative Retirement could be just that - to throw away the need to follow any particular direction and do what makes you happy. So instead of going to the gym, I think I will go for a walk around the block and take photos - it is a sparkling day - and besides there is a council cleanup and you never know what you will find. I may have something interesting to show you tomorrow.

Love C

ps Be like water and flow could be a good starting point.

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