"A man who correctly guesses a woman's age may be smart, but he's not very bright....... " Lucille Ball.
She was a smart woman who knew what she was talking about! My reply when asked how old I am, is "If a woman tells you her age, she will tell you anything." A special young friend of mine asked the other day, "How old are you?" I paused significantly before answering, "I can't answer that question because I don't want to tell you a lie." Of course as a 5 yr old he didn't really understand why I didn't want to reveal this basic fact but he has to learn early.
The reason I didn't tell a little white lie is because I have had my fingers severely burnt in a similar interaction, where a 5 year old just learning about numbers asked the same question (why are they so obsessed with age?) I answered, foolishly, "39."
"Oh, Clara,'' she said, squinting intently into my sunlit face and comparing it mentally with her mother's 30's face and said, "You haven't looked after your skin well."
I rest my case - you have to teach them early - do not ask a woman's age!
Honestly Clara/Lucille