Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Priorities and Confessions of a gym dropout

Clara is now a gym drop-out and
prefers other  activities

Dear Babyboomers
Now a self-confessed 'Gym Dropout' since last year, I adopted the idea of 'Exercise with a Purpose' - the concept being that if you have places you need to go, then walk there, or spend time in the garden sweeping  paths etc.  Cutting the hedge, for example, is a great way to exercise the dreaded upper arms while working in the garden definitely helps to restore positive mental equilibrium. I recall one of Jane Fonda's exercise tapes had one exercise called "PULL WEEDS ! PULL WEEDS! - she was always so urgent in her requests so I did as I was told.

I am currently writing a book about walks in my area so this also provides many opportunities to get out there and exercise / walk with a purpose along with regular morning walks. Then the 10 minutes of additional exercise such as some pelvic floor / abdomen stuff, some resistance activities using a stretchy car octopus, and a few basic moves using 2kg / 4lb weights.

All that is good. But - while I'm in confession mode - I do get up early, to walk with G. I really really really want to, but sometimes I really really really really want just a few more precious lifesaving minutes in foggy sleep. Fortunately for me, G heaps disappointment upon me so being an approval seeker, I do my best. However, with daylight saving ending soon, it is going to be darker, colder, harder. Follow my progress!  Re the 10 minutes exercise - you know what - it doesn't always happen. One exercise I do religiously, however, redeems me slightly - ie in waiting for the shower to heat up - with hands behind you grasping the edge of the bath, fingers pointing forward, 20 strong knee bends with pelvic awareness; this  exercises many essential muscles all at the one time, including the dreaded upper arms I keep referring to. This is my naked truth! And the good part is I am still asleep.

A new mantra - ie "I'm going to walk before I talk, jog before I blog and stretch before I sit," because for me, it's all about routine and priorities.
ps - It would be great to hear what works for you.

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