Sunday, March 28, 2010

Technology - we love you when you work - at other times you bring me out in a rash.

Dear Babyboomers
You probably think that I am a Tech Head - nothing is further from the truth!
I embrace Internet / Blog because it is a marvellous tool for communication.  However, I struggle with the technology and  it would not be possible for me to do it without my darling troubleshooter who, doesn't and won't involve himself in my stuff, but is always there to sort out when things don't work in a general sense. But he is in Vietnam.  I actually can't even send emails or love messages to him or to my COGGERS,  so things are desperate.

So, now when I  try to connect via email - it ain't working even tho I have spent most of my day attempting to get there.
Technology - we always feel  on thin Ice - we love you when you work, but we are confused when suddenly you seem to change the rules or go sideways.  But, you are there and we need to move with you - we don't need to know everything - just what works to help us to achieve  Successful Retirement. (and where is spellcheck for blogger?)

Had a great day re wedding stuff and an evening  at the Rowers listening to music, with a few dances as well.  SR involves connecting with family / friends of all ages, live music and energy and having fun.

I adore the hammered pewter - it must be physically demanding - love the big pieces - great to make a statement for Babyboomer women.

Cheers Clara

Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

On Thin Ice...March 27th
Yes, that's ice in the birdbath. We went from the 60's down to the 30's. At least there's sunshine today.
Neck piece of jadeite and hammered pewter links.

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