Friday, April 2, 2010

Beyond the shoulder piece for wisconsin glamour

Dear Babyboomers
Very pretty  beyond the shoulder, spring piece.  Lovely to see less snow and more happening re renaisassance of environment.
 Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

Neutral Zone...April 2nd

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How do we bridge the gap?

Dear Babyboomers
I've been to a lovely social gathering this evening.  Old mates enjoying the balmy Autumn weather, in an elegant backyard setting.  Met up with old friends from way back, as a special male friend of mine, was revisiting. 
Being old friends it was gratifying to share some real stuff.  And we did.  Like where we are at and where we are going, and how we can help each other to get there.

What was really good for me tho was talking to several women, who had experienced similar situations to me.  There was a real connection there when I mentioned the importance of connections with women and how this can happen over the net.  However, my empathic friend, said - What is blogging?   
This is the barrier -  How do we bridge the gap?  We can't  - is the answer, - only time will take us there.  However, what we can do is live in the momento - and engage those gorgeous gals out there.
Cheers Clara

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