Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Morning Vietnam

Good Morning Vietnam http://www.projectvietnam.com/

Good Morning my heroes - now I know that you, Graham, have arrived in Hanoi, then I can relate.
Now you are back there.

Thanks Guys, from the bottom of our hearts.

Love Clara

Project Vietnam

Love what you are doing.
•Refurbishment of communal health stations in rural areas.
•Refurbishment and renovation of living quarters at schools and selected orphanages in rural areas.
•Education programs in hospitals.
•Supply of medical equipment and textbooks.
•Construction of an orphanage building in Cambodia.
THE VISION: To meet the medical equipment, health and education needs of the people of Vietnam and any bordering country, using professional input from Australia, Vietnam and such bordering country in developing programs in specific areas to improve their quality of life.

Project Vietnam Inc. is accredited with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and Peoples' Aid Coordinating Committee of Vietnam (PACCOM).

Mobius Strip becomes Creative - doing the intrinsic twist!

Dear Babyboomers R and others
R wrote "We have created a mobius, a continuous strand that has no beginning or end but has a unique twist to it.
Clara - What is she talking about? I googled 'Mobius' which then came up with 'Mobius Strip'.
I taught this to Year 3 in Science (learning a heap along the way). Amazing concept and yes we have created this VIA COGGING.
It all came flooding back in that Science lesson, where some got it right and others .......... so I was extremely busy doing the intrinsic twist.

A Möbius strip made with a piece of paper and tape. If an ant were to crawl along the length of this strip, it would return to its starting point having traversed every part of the strip without ever crossing an edge - and then the next exercise was to divide the strip !!!!!!????

You know that I will have to go there at some stage but not now.

A wedding ring designed as a Möbius strip. Rather lovely I thought, especially since we have a wedding coming up.

Clara says - R - http://www.toroidalsnark.net/mkmb.html
takes you to an amazing web site which describes knitted mobius strips (I am doing my research before seeing your Mobius inspired piece. Can't quite understand why she does this though.)

Escher's Version of a Mobius Strip -

He is one of my heroes.

Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

Mobius...March 15th

R - This Mobius Scarf is loom knit and joined to make it a continuous piece with a half twist. Featured here with neck piece of carved jade beads and fossil cabochon pendant.

Möbius strips have found a number of surprising applications that exploit a remarkable property they possess: one-sidedness. Joining the ends of a strip with no half twist produces a simple belt-shaped loop with two sides and two edges -- impossible to travel from one side to the other without crossing an edge. But, as a result of the half twist, the Möbius Strip has only one side and one edge!

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