Thursday, July 28, 2011

Margaret Olley - unfinished work at 88

Margaret Olley - 1923 - 2011
Hi Babyboomer women

Women thrive on connections and are lost without them.
Wisdom of the day (from my desk calendar), "I've always believed that one woman's success can only help another woman's success.".....
Gloria Vanderbilt

I actually feel sad for some men / women who believe that 'winning' is the most important aspect of an exercise. 

Margaret Hannah Olley (1923 – 26 July 2011) who passed away this week, is a fine example and was described as "Kind, fearless and a big heart".  She will be remembered as an Australian painter of still life but she was also a great philanthropist.
John McDonald - art critic for SMH - "She would have wanted to be remembered as a painter but she was so active and generous it is difficult to sum up the scope of her achievements."  ..... "She was a friend and mentor to younger artists..... bought art works for public collections ... helped provide funds for people in need....she had an eye for quality and a nose for bullshit ...... being unfailingly direct in her pronouncements."

She will be also be remembered for being the first recipient of the inaugural
Mosman Art Prize in 1947, one of the first of it's kind at the time and was a frequent judge of works over the years.  Her final exhibition which she was still working on with Phillip Bacon, will  go ahead next year.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Antiageing qualities of a good belly laugh

Hi Babyboomers
 We love a good belly laugh. I actually believe it is the basis of a real friendship when you share a similar sense of humour - when you really really laugh!!!!! And it feels sooooooo good.
Being with babies, toddlers and grandchildren spark this fresh new insight into how we are - and I adore them. When my children were at this stage, I smiled so much I was afraid that I would develop eye wrinkles. But I now know that those laugh lines on my face are an endorsement of my view of life. So I embrace them.

When my daughter picked up her first phone (the first of many calls!!!!!) she said " BlahBlahblah HaHaHa BlahBlahblah HaHaHa!!!! which made me realise that her mimicking was of my phone habit. Time moved on and phone manners morphed and swayed, but laughter always prevailed with my son and daughter. It is the glue that holds us together during the good and tough times. With it we move forward with grace - without it, we can get lost in a self centred focus. little girl knows this already!

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Babyboomers have a rich memory bank of stars

Hi there babyboomers

Some wonderful photos from our decades. I know that every older generation is convinced that the sun is setting on a golden age, but you have to admit we experienced a giant share of charismatic 'stars', many of whom are still in the limelight.

Favourites among these have to be Elton, with Marilyn and JFK the winner for intrigue. Least favourite is George - he looks much better now.

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