Sunday, August 15, 2010

Babyboomer Return to the late 50's suburbs

Dear Babyboomers

 Today I returned to old territory.

 G had cleverly discovered the venue in the paper  - an Italian day in the Western Suburbs.  When I was there it was early days for multiculturalism - but now the area is revered for it's Italian influence.   

I was very excited to go back where I had been so many times in my dreams - back to the shop where I lost my mother.  Not actually lost her, just that she was so absorbed in 'the shop' that it seemed to come first and our needs next in line.

And yet I am left with guilt when I recall those times - as she had so little time to herself.  Could/should I have done more to help?  I did actually take over the behind the scenes domestic stuff so that I didn't have to do the shop stuff.  Dad and I did the cooking and cleaning - while Mum seemed to feel she had to cater for the world out there.  But what about us?

Was this the beginning of Women's Liberation?  If so, it sucks from a kid's perspective.  I liked it much better when my mum was around for me.  In the interim, the area changed from boring Aussie to New Australians (???????), viewed with suspicion etc and now accepted for it's Europeon influence - mainly Italian.

We ended the day with a lovely meal at the Italian Forum in a nearby suburb.
Selfishly Clara

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