Thursday, May 6, 2010

Babyboomer Women enjoy Disposable Time

Dear Babyboomer Women 
OK......    Disposable Time?  What is she talking about -  you ask? 
Perhaps you don't relate because there wasn't any.  We are hardwired to be the carers and keep everything moving forward positively.  Wow - how good are we?
The downside was that we didn't have time to ourselves.

And now we do.  How was it for you?
Cheers Clara

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1 comment:

  1. Disposable...hmmm. I had disposable diapers and a garbage disposal, and disposable razor blades, but very little disposable time. As a young mother, I would sneak down the creaky stairs, you know the ones, for a few hours of QT by myself. Now finally in my disposable lifestage I have time to myself. Well at least for another 3 months, before nondisposable grannie time begins.




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