Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Look Both Ways - Keep Fit and Flexible Babyboomers

Dear R and other Babyboomers
Look both ways - sooo important.  Clara - Now here I can comment. Firstly we could dedicate many posts to looking both ways. Better to have a 'Viewing Point" than a 'Point of View."  New Successful Retirement  idea to add.
Re - In Like a Lion - Out Like a Lamb - this feels like a concept I should know but have somehow missed out.  Please  explain. Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT
It's your turn for beautiful weather and I know you will enjoy it. We have had soft rain here which is a relief.
Recycling is another passion of mine. You put it together so creatively. Everything Old is New Again. You know, philosophy is maybe where the middle ground lies.
Cheers Clara

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb...March 31st

The weather is beautiful and the forecast perfect for the weekend. Necklace of amber, stone and smoky quartz.

It Pays to Look Both Ways...March 30th

Necklace of odds and ends, one woman's junk is another one's treasure

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1 comment:

  1. So, yeah, you probably don't deal with this down under in March. It refers to March coming in like a lion, strong and cold and miserable and going out like a lamb, warm and soft and pleasant. That's exactly what it did this year. I was down by our creek and the grass hummocks looked like lion's manes to me and it was warm and windy. It's interesting this journey I am on. At first the piece created the photo which created the title. Then the title started to create the piece which created the photo. Now as I rediscover our property, the photo is creating the title which is creating the piece.
    The whole process is recreating me. I love the concept of looking both ways, back at our youth and ahead at our future. I also love the idea of one woman's junk is another woman's treasure. Kind of like Roberto and me!



    ps..I tried to email you a U Tube connection to a song from Chicago...I Simply Cannot Do It Alone


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