Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lovely Hubby Meal - Welcome to the Bible of Italian Brides/Husbands

Hi there BB foodies
The Bible of Authentic Italian Cooking - titled "The Silver Spoon" is my darling's bible. It has been published in Italian by Editoriale Domus as Il Cucchiaio d'argento 1950 - then first published in English in 2005. It has transformed him (along with inspiring years of his loving wife's cooking) from a good breakfast cook, pre marriage ie great stuffed mushrooms following last night's Hot Tub, as well as being an experienced Microwave Master, to someone who cooked a meal tonight to die for. Like most recipes from the bible it has fabulous taste, due to the old Italian way of cooking simple food with ultimate flavour.
Here it is -
Roast Pork with Apples
Arrosto con le mele
1-kg loin of pork
2 tbsp olive oil
12 fl oz (good slurp) red wine
6 fl oz vegetable stock
4 cloves - this is what made the difference
1/2 tbsp mustard
2 tbsp sugar
Ground pepper/ salt
2 green apples cored and cubed

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Lightly salt meat with S & P, roll and tie with kitchen string.
Heat oil in pan and sear meat until browned. Meanwhile, pour wine and stock into another pan, add cloves, mustard, sugar and peppercorns/salt and bring to the boil.

Transfer pork to an ovenproof dish, surround with apples and pour over wine mixture - cover with foil - lower temperature to 180C or 360F, and cook in oven for 45 mins.
Remove apples and press down with a spoon - cook over high heat until caramelized.
Serve over carved pork.

Very flavoursome - Lovely to come home to - Thanks Darling


  1. The bible has been around for 100 years in Italy.
    When it was translated into English, in 2005, this is the first we have been able to access these traditional recipes.

  2. Hi Clara
    I enjoyed cooking for you


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