How good is denim? Timeless, trans- seasonal, always there waiting for you when there's nothing else to wear, the perfect match with a crisp shirt or a beautiful creative piece. How did we ever live without it?
Mum, hanging clothes 1950's
Babyboomers have seen many fashion trends - the evolvement of easycare fabrics which I considered ugly at first with crimpaline slack suits gradually giving way to stylish durable garments. 1950's women spent considerable time ironing and cleaning but things were changing. Dad was a gadget man, buying all the latest for Mum - two must-haves stood out - one was a potato peeler, a tap driven device, which agitated the potatoes over an abrasive surface and in doing so, took off the skins; and the other being the Ironette which every 50's domestic goddess needed in order to iron sheets, towels etc as you did in those days, even when you were living in reconstructed fibro housing.
Speaking of timesavers, Blogger does have Spellcheck which I just discovered - click on the ABC and a little drop menu suggests other alternatives. - but not for Crimpaline Are computers time savers or wasters?
Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I created everyday for a year... RRT
Hung Up On Denim...February 26th
Today's work was a collaboration with my good friend and artist, Karen Halt. We took my Tattooed denim and designed our first run of limited edition jeans. We look forward to many days ahead of being hung up on denim.
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Dear C
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do without Google and where is this taking me?
Remember when you were a child and you needed the answer to something? In our house the World Book Encyclopedia sat on a shelf of importance waiting for all our questions. Every year an update book arrived and was added to the collection. It was a luxury akin to our first TV.
Today? I just google it. It seems like I no more than turn off my computer and I have another google I want to do. This morning it was denim. usage in America since the late 1700's. Denim...a weave structure based on a twill weave, over two under two. Denim...derived by shortening the name serge de nimes, a fabric first woven in Nimes, France. Darn, I thought we Americans invented denim. Well we certainly perfected it. Talk about obsessive compulsions.
Everyday in my store we spend hours helping women of all ages find the perfect denim jeans. The pair that makes their butt look great. The pair that slims their thighs. The pair that makes them look taller. The pair that minimizes their waist and on and on. It's a very serious business. What does this say about all of us? We've come a long way baby, but we have a long way to go? I'll leave that one up to you. It might be a main topic for 2010.
Gotta go. Gotta go Google something.
ps. I love the photo of your mom. Can you scan it at a high res and send it to me? As for computers wasting or saving time, I just spent two hours on mine and enjoyed every minute.