Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reluctant Blogger asks Questions ? Why 'Should I Contribute?' Why Do You Use Pen Names?

Dear Babyboomers and Rita  - Have Your Say!
Comment from a valued friend......
Good lord woman ! Have you set that site up? And who are you talking to??     
It’s marvellous!   
Go ahead and transcribe whatever you wish.

I have the feeling that I ‘should’ make time to join in this activity/connectivity/blog you have going but I can’t quite get with it inside myself. How do you know who you’re talking with if you’re all using pen-names? How do I contribute anyway? (IF I ‘got with it’ ?)

Welcome VF (Valued Friend) - Thanks -  No 'Shoulds' - you taught me that -  Love your questions....

 Who am I talking to? ....... To others in my position - the GFC has reduced my limited super - bugger - and I would like to draw you into where I am at - and unashamably down the track when we attract like minds, I am going to do a bit of Affiliate Marketing which interpreted, means that  hopefully there will be sufficient like minds so that when I get Mr Google to suggest a few products that will enhance our lives that there maybe some income; if you click on some antiageing product - etc,  Price per click  - perhaps 30c per click which may help to meet my wants rather than my needs.
Which is one of the reasons I am blogging - the intrinsic reason is that I  love connecting with all you guys out there, and want and need to contribute towards 'Successful Retirement', whatever it means to you.

 The web is a marvellous  place to speak your piece  to other like minded women  or  SNAGS - but - I don't put myself in a position where my "Identity could  be taken over...... because I know that no-one else could cope with being me so it is purely protecting others".
I would love you, and like-minds out there to contribute ideas towards what I call 'A blueprint to successful retirement and beyond' but you need to have your own voice/identity -  I would be out of order to assume you would be prepared to publish a lovely personal comment.  Which is why in acknowledging the amazing capacity we have to communicate, it is also necessary to feel safe in saying your piece which may mean anonimity (where are you Spellcheck?)
Cheers Clara
To view or add comment, click on comments at bottom of page or send an email - clara@babyboomerconnections.com.au or visit my website at www.babyboomerconnections.com.au


  1. Why Blog? or To Blog or Not to Blog

    I thought I was really being clever, Clara, till I googled the above. Hmph..not a new thought in this world. There are blogs about blogging. Blogs on how to blog. Blogs on why to blog. Blog, Blog, Blog. It bloggles my mind. Why am I blogging?
    It's fun. It sets a goal for me. It puts me in the present and keeps those pesky thoughts at bay. It lets me express myself to myself. And yes, if I'm honest, impress myself. Will I blog forever? Don't know. Will I blog everyday for a year? For sure, cuz I said so. These are not very deep reasons to blog, but they are mine.

    More intelligent reasons on...


    Love R

  2. The Reluctant Blogger
    by Renogger

    I was on my way to the groomers
    with my little dogs,
    while I continued to think
    all about our blogs.

    Then it dawned on me
    as I passed the zoo,
    If you have to ask why
    then it's not for you.

    For a Cog knows
    deep in her heart,
    it's simply something
    she must start.

    Yes once you begin
    it's a daunting task,
    it's out there in space
    it will always last.

    Call us crazy
    call us nuts.
    Come join our blog
    be one with us.


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