Sunday, November 28, 2010

Raw parsley cleanses the blood, maintains elasticity of blood vessels, and is said to benefit the sexual system

 Hi there Babyboomers
Raw parsley cleanses the blood, maintains elasticity of blood vessels, and is said to benefit the sexual system. Chewing parsley prevents bad breath!  How good is that?

Flat leaf / continental / Italian parsley said to have the best taste
I have grown parsley in our small plot, and what's more, from seed. It likes the rich, well dug soil and a sunny position (it grows in part sun in our plot) and grows well in pots. What I like about it that it keeps on growing, actually being a biennial and is always ready to be harvested to be used in salads, savoury dishes such as pasta and as a garnish.  Keep reading and eat more parsley.


Used as a garnish curly
parsley is far too nutritious
to be limited to that.
petroselinum crispum

Parsley is one of the most important herbs for providing vitamins to the body. It's like an immune-enhancing multi-vitamin and mineral complex in green plant form - with more vitamin C than any other vegetable - three times as much as oranges and about the same as blackcurrants, twice as much iron as spinach, rich in Vitamin A it also contains folate, potassium, calcium and flavonoids that act as antioxidants.

History The English introduced it to the world after getting it from the Romans who got it from the Ancient Greeks who thought that Hercules used a garland of parsley so they would crown the winners of games and war with garlands of parsley in honour of the great feats of Hercules. Greek soldiers fed parsley to their horses so they would run better.To view or add comment, click on comments at bottom of page or send an email -
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