Dear Babyboomers
The long awaited 'Fit with Your Jeans Cuisine' is up and running on my website then navigate to Fit with Your Jeans Cuisine.
It's an archive of the recipes posted on Grannycircle and Babyboomer blogs, with the added 'gift of my experience and life long passion for fabulous food.'
Foods from the past, with a modern twist; 'Fit with Your Jeans Cuisine' is a work in progress.
We are the Denim Divas.
Could we ever imagine a world without our favourite jeans? To me, they epitomise our generation, and I will do what it takes from a mental, culinary and physical perspective to continue to be able to 'Fit with your/my Jeans".
Image from
'Fit with Your Jeans Cuisine' is a work in progress and will evolve and morph with time. I have to say that I am excited re the fluidity, and flexibility that this E medium allows me to express my ideas on healthy concepts of food and fitness for all ages.
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