Dear Babyboomers
Most tragic are the lives swept away in the flood waters of Queensland and northern New South Wales, but those returning to their devastated homes face loss of possessions, memories and hopes.
Despite the generosity of Queensland Flood Appeal and the emergency response to the immediate physical needs of flood victims, there is a heavy emotional toll. Many people despair with the trauma and stress following a natural disaster as they rebuild their lives in the weeks and months to come.
A tribute to home - "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in"..... Robert Frost
or "Home is where the heart is" or "Home is where I hang my hat"
Hugh Mackay - 'What makes us tick?' "Shelter to protect us from the elements, to have an uninterrupted night's sleep and to keep our stuff secure. Shelter is so fundamental to our comfort and, indeed our survival - almost on a par with our need for food and drink." and " .....partly an anchor, partly a refuge, partly a stable reference point in a world that seems kaleidoscopic in the complexity of its shifting patterns."
Whatever the definition, we can but try to empathise how it must feel to suddenly feel that loss of home. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you restore your home and your faith.
ps - below is a link if you would like to contribute towards the cleanup
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