Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'Drought, flood & bushfire - biblical constants'

'Drought, flood & bushfire - biblical constants'
Sheila, Australian slang for "woman"
They got her out -
she didn't last the night.

We feel for the livestock and
native animals trapped in the floods.

Clara - Stanthorpe Queensland - October 2002 Sheila in the Bog

A glimpse of bovine terror -
Rolled back eyes and flared nostrils
Showed your intense and overpowering fear
'Well done, men!  I knew we'd get the sheila out of the bog.
Of sinking further into the mud ...........

Dear Babyboomers
This is one of five posts you may relate to, as an Australian re flood and drought - but more so, as a universal citizen of Planet Earth. 

A general statement from Clara - 'So important to keep the receipts of the past - and now we are the elders of the tribe, our role is to ensure that they are kept.  We have the gift of experience.'  http://grannycircle.blogspot.com/search/label/flood%20and%20drought  - 5 short posts

ps - would love to hear your opinion

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