Dear Babyboomers
Exercise with a Purpose this week included a Field Trip to Bradleys Head, Mosman, Sydney. This followed a fabulous course by Chris Maait, through the local Evening College.
I was so happy with my photos since I turned off Auto and was on Manual settings, which meant I had to be turned on.
Personally, I am not into goals as much as I used to be, more into projects and living the day. This was a great day.
A little philosophy from the Eastern sages, 'Right living is like the water, which of all things most yeilding can overcome that which of all things is the most hard' (Old Tai Chi philosophy).
Water , despite it's softness, is so strong it can wear away the hardest rock, if it patiently and persistently dripped onto it. So the Inevitability of Gradualness principle 'that if we see our goals clearly, patiently and persistently, and despite all obstacles, work towards those goals, we will achieve them.'
Be like water and flow. Clara
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