Hi there Babyboomers
'Exercise with a Purpose' evolved as a result of my being a Gym Dropout. This walk is in Mosman, but it doesn't matter where it is, 'Exercise with a Purpose' is a fabulous concept. And you never know where it will lead you!!!!!
'Exercising with a purpose,' yesterday included a bush walk to Cobblers Beach. Following our trusty guide, written by Rotarians, in 1981, we set off from the "Sports Pavillian, stopped to admire the view of Middle Harbour, then wound our way through the bush to Cobblers Beach. Still quite natural with minimum shade, it is a peaceful spot, ideal for children and when the cold south wind blows."
Hmmmmm - I don't think that Mr Brian Leckey and Mr Alan Kendall of Mosman Council and his wife who did much car driving and typing, had been there recently.
A fabulous walk, including fortifications for Middle Head and early bush flowers - however I suggest you leave the children at home! Clara
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