Friday, April 19, 2013

To dye or not to dye

I have been dying to talk about hair, mainly about issues to do with dyeing it or not - and my friend from provided me with the perfect opportunity when she said,  "Have you ever just wanted a change? You know something to brighten your day, set your world on fire? Well that was me yesterday at the hair salon. Why not go red? After all I was born a red head. My father's nick name was Red. I have fair skin and freckles, perfect for red hair. So I pulled the plug (on the bottle) and unleashed the real me. Reddy, set, go. you think? R"

Red, Set Go...R's fabulous new hair colour
self portrait taken with my iPhone and photo shopped just a tiny bit
Hi R     
"I have cut out articles from magazines etc, have observed brave friends who have taken the au - naturale road (No no no! Not me! Don't be silly!), so feel I am quite expert at the subject; and I am totally with you. Why not be a perfectly natural red head? I think you look like a movie star!
More to come on this strand but in the meantime,  how has it has changed your life? 
Clara of blonde tresses


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What is the correct length for skinny jeans

Hi there

"I shop therefore I am" - a new twist on an old saying. And of course the first item we need is a pair of well fitting black jeans to kickstart the season. 
So today, I found a great pair of semi skinny, not too low rise and in a fabric that kind of keeps you in.  They look great with this season's longer look tops for a timeless look.

A few years ago, I visited my friend R, who owns a beautiful store 'Shop at Next Door' which stocks an extensive range of jeans with fabulous tops and accessories. I learnt the ins and outs of how to wear skinny jeans - with boots of course but also with killer heels, flats and flip flops. R says that the worst mistake you can make when taking up jeans is to make them too short - flared jeans need to be almost to the ground but skinny jeans are a little tricky to get right. Have them as long as you can make them without cupping the bottoms too much; a certain amount of cupping however is necessary for the look and with summer jeans you can fold up the bottoms for a casual look.

This is what she says on her site - click on Jean Scene at bottom of Home Page.

'No, you do not have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans. It's all about how you wear them that makes the difference. Going into a Wisconsin winter, we all know how great it is to throw on your favorite skinny jeans with a pair of boots and a big oversized sweater. It's the one time that living in the frozen tundra makes fashion fun as well as practical. But thankfully that is all behind us for another seven months or so. So now what? Well a picture is worth a thousand words. Wear skinny jeans with killer heels, your favorite flats, barefoot if the moment is right and of course your favorite flip flops. You can wear a skinny jean scrunched around your ankle or cuffed for a casual look. That solves some of the length issues, which is nice for us as well as you. Of course we'll always shorten them for you if need be.'

I'm off now to take up some jeans - because they're usually too long for me. I learnt from R how to do a professional job but am under threat of dire consequence if I devulge the secret. Sorry!
By the way - if you want some tasty food ideas that will help you to be able to fit into your jeans go to
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