Hi R and other friends
Today, I am going to actually do all of this stuff rather than talk about it.
I started the day off well by cooking up the left over veges before going food shopping, making a basic vegetable sauce with garlic, leeks, celery, carrot, tomato, tomato paste, white wine, S & P, then froze it. Alvina will be proud of me.
For dessert, Dolci, I'm going simple, with Stuffed Peaches, Pesche ripiene, as my experience of Italy has been the abundance of glorious fruits. I could 'wax lyrical here' whatever that means, but will leave it to another day when I can show some photos.
to serve 4
4 firm yellow peaches, halved, sprinkled with lemon juice
1tbsp lemon juice
75 g 21/2 oz crumbled amaretti
1 egg yolk
50ml/ 11/2 oz floz Marsala
8 blanched almonds ( I used flaked almonds which I roasted in the oven and sprinked on top when serving)
1/2 cup white wine
butter for greasing
Preheat oven to 175C/350F and grease a baking dish with butter.
Combine amaritti, egg yolk and Marsala
Fill the peach halves and press one almond into the centre of each.
Place peach halves in baking dish, next to each other, pour white wine around them.
Bake for 20 - 25 mins. Serve hot or cold.
Serves 4
300ml / 101/2 fl oz thickened cream
3 tbsp icing sugar
250g /9oz mascarpone cheese
2 tbsp amaretto liqueur or almond essence
Beat the cream with 1 tbsp icing sugar until soft peaks form. Stir the mascarpone with the remaining
sugar and fold into cream until combined.
For a lighter alternative substitute the cream with greek yoghurt.
Serving - Serve Amaretti Cream separately. in a glass dish or ramekin, sprinkle with toasted almonds. Place peaches and the glass dish on a larger plate (dinner size), sprinkle with the almonds, and decorate plate with 2 Amaretti.
Off to Fourth Village, our local Italian food supplier el grande.
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