Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Walk Around the Block in Mosman - Sirius Cove

Sirius Cove

A dog's paradise shared with the occasional human
- the perfect place to leap through tiny waves, chase fellow canines and return the inevitable sticks to owners.

Early morning walkers turn their heads, still keeping up the pace, to breathe in the everchanging beauty of the safe harbour haven. Dancing ripples reflect from moored vessels in the foreground, and beyond larger ships and ferries glide across the bay.

Bushland, dotted with fortunate residences, fringes the bay while in the distance, city highrise and smog remind the viewer of the world of commerce.

Behind the nestling cove are the 'steps from hell' to return the walker to suburbia and reality.

Clara 1990's

Hi Renotta and other friends,

This is where I went the other day, with my trusty camera, when I decided to skip the gym. I'm showing you these for several reasons - the main one being to lure you over here in 2012. We are going to France next year but in 2012 it would be great to visit you, catch up, have a glass or two of wine in your studio, get to know your dogs, visit the lake cabin, then send you two off to stay in our place in Mosman, while we look after the dogs. Good plan?

The other reason is that I am in the beginning stages of writing a book about Mosman - probably will be an E Book or at least will start out that way. I am taking photos of this beautiful historic area - not quite sure how it will be arranged but as with our cogging, the process will evolve from the beginning the action.

Must go - my poor husband says I lose myself on my computer - (a bit like he does in his Sydney Morning Herald which is a huge paper both in size and volume, which he reads from cover to cover). We are going to go for a walk around Cremorne Point, then to stop for a drink at my old haunt 'The Rowers'.

Love Clara