Monday, March 29, 2010

Festive Eggplant just thrown together.

Dear Babyboomers and others

R wrote "Have you ever had one of those days when you're hungry but don't want to leave home? The closest market is 20 minutes from our house. So I started with ingredients and The Silver Spoon. Just threw this together with odds and ends and page 514. Lovely.                 

Clara - G would say "How can Eggplant be Festive?  It is a designer vegetable - it is not real, like carrots and beans.  But because I am married to a creative woman, I eat it and enjoy it, but let me tell you, when I cook, there ain't no eggplant or whatever you call it  - Aubergine!!!, a made up name even."     
Clara - Yes I know exactly what you mean  - sometimes I need to just use whatever is in the frig.  When G first started to cook once a week, he used to say things like "Where are the carrots, beans, etc, why don't we have any ?????? etc;  it took a while, but when I explained that the best cooks use whatever is in the frig and that this is a measure of their culinary creativity, we moved forward.  Once a week, towards the end of the week I cook exactly this way, in order to clear the produce for the next week.

Festive Aubergines  - to serve 4
Preheat oven 180C - 350 F - Brush an ovenproof dish with olive oil.  Slice 4 small eggplants lengthways without cutting all the way through (cut off the stalk first).  Place alternate slices of tomato (4 large),  and mozzarella cheese thinly sliced, (250 g/9 oz) between each eggplant slice and the next.
Mix together, 2 garlic cloves (finely chopped), parsley and basil and sprinkle over, drizzle with olive oil, S & P.  Cover with foil - bake 45 mins.  Serve with juices on top.  
Chow Clara        

Looks scrumptious

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