Battle of the Bulge by
Lynee Follow That Girl who could write a book about jeans; styles, length, what shoes and tops to wear.
She says about me (generously) "My boss has this friend from Australia, Clara -who coincidentally writes a blog called "Fit in Your Jeans Cuisine". How perfect.
The photo's of the finished recipes are gorgeous and mouth watering."
Thanks Lynee, for your kind words. Can't wait to hear how you went and what you were wearing when you cooked your meal.
Lynee Follow That Girl who could write a book about jeans; styles, length, what shoes and tops to wear.
She says about me (generously) "My boss has this friend from Australia, Clara -who coincidentally writes a blog called "Fit in Your Jeans Cuisine". How perfect.
The photo's of the finished recipes are gorgeous and mouth watering."
Thanks Lynee, for your kind words. Can't wait to hear how you went and what you were wearing when you cooked your meal.
It's getting to that time of year. You know, THAT time of year. It's when my husband watches in disgust as I jump, lay on the floor, do a dance routine, lunges or cry to get on my skinny jeans. After I painstakingly inch the zipper up and nearly lose a nail buttoning them, I promise myself that "Today, I'm only eating water." The next thing I know I'm eyeing up something that looks like this...
I am announcing today that I will wear my skinny jeans with comfort all year around. And no, I cannot survive only eating water.
So what am I going to do? I'm going to actually follow Clara's recipes, and make sure I only eat my small portion! I'm excited, and so is my husband. You see, I'm not a very good cook. I screw up scrambled eggs, burn the toast, overcook the noodles and dry out the chicken. So, I plan to write about my "Fit in your Jeans Cuisine" diet once a month, my wins, my failures... my poor husbands love while he eats it even when it's awful (of course I'll throw in what awesome outfit I'm wearing from Next Door while I slave away in the kitchen). Are you excited? I'm excited!
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