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Dear Babyboomers
COG - Crazy ole Gals - The point of this post is that if you would like to contribute the occasional comment to brighten up our days, it is easy and uncomplicated. We would love some feedback
Being creatives we need this to boost ego, so please just 'say your piece'. Use another name such as - Dragonfly (taken) or whatever expresses how you feel or think.
R wrote - on line course for support re web stuff is amazing. Wish you were here. I do all this alone. No one to brain storm with. I have a cool product with my tattooed denim, just hard to get it out there. Also still looking for the source for the jeans. Long story.
Clara - I have been introduced to before and consider it to be a fabulous way to get to know how to communicate on the net or how to email /blog etc.
Like you I have done it alone - I attended a local evening college which said "Start your own website" which sounded like fun BUT perhaps code for- "Doing your own brain surgery"- Somehow I went there but you don't have to. I do know that the best way to learn is by doing. Years of teaching have taught me this - when you are challenged to teach a subject you are unfamiliar with, which happens often with the world changing so rapidly, you learn the lessons quickly, sometimes only being one step ahead. (OK with children but on shaky ground with adults). But you have to sound as tho you know the lot - I basically supported myself and my children by teaching casually until I finally landed a full time job back in Primary School Teaching. I used to think,"I have to be the leader of the band - without knowing what tune they are playing". Tricky stuff - has left a few scars - still have nightmares about riotous, unprepared classroom situations. Long story. I too wish I was there talking - but the good part is we probably share more ideas this way than if we lived in the same place, because COGGERS are never alone. What is important is to communicate and understand how others feel - which is love - which is life. This I know - when a four year old really looks at you with total candour, tells you the truth, then tucks his hand into yours. Priceless.
Love Nonna Clara
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