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"Memoirs of a Babyboomer"
traces the decades we have experienced.
Dear R and other BabyboomersI hope you have all had a relaxing Easter holiday.
Thanks R for the Easter photos especially the bonnets. Roberto looks particularly fetching in his.
It's Easter Monday, G is back bearing beautiful gifts of natural pearls . It used to be that we only wore pearls with a twinset, or when you were going somewhere very fancy - it's great that there is so much more freedom over the full range of jewellry, and I adore the way you put unlikely partners together to form your beautiful pieces.
G has already fixed all the things which broke down while he was in Vietnam - the computer needed the battery underneath jiggled (I could have done that since I am good at jiggling), my daughter must have turned off the hairdryer, at a secret plug that I didn't know about, and my phone just fixed itself. So all's well! We are going out for a juicy steak this evening since G is tired of Asian food. I actually don't think that I would ever tire of it, and have been going rather heavy on the Thai takeaway while G was away. I am wearing my pearls with my white jeans and new flat and comfortable, black HushPuppies which will be comfortable when broken in.
Cheers Clara
Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT
Easter Egg Hunt...April 3rd
Necklace of beads that remind me of dyed eggs.
In Our Easter Bonnet...April 4th
I am a day ahead with this post, however I know it's Easter down under. This is the perfect Easter bonnet for the north woods. Love R & R
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