Sunday, March 27, 2011

I find myself more than ever drawn to the comfort of creating

Hi Babyboomers
I thought you might relate to this blog from my rediscovered and clever friend, Renotta, known as R. She wrote, "In these difficult times with so much unrest, destruction and sadness I find myself more than ever drawn to the comfort of creating

May you weave joy and happy memories
 "I hadn't worked at my loom for several years, but something was drawing me to it again. I admit I was afraid that the years of neglect would somehow have taken its toll, and I would not be able to weave. But with a little bit of loving care, some drops of oil, and a quick refresher from weaving 101, I was back at it. I had forgotten how much I enjoy the whole process; winding the shuttles, listening to the rhythmical sound of the harnesses and watching the fabric grows row by row, inch by inch.

I'm weaving with hand dyed wool yarns in a simple twill pattern. My plan is fabric for a coat, but who knows. At this stage it doesn't really matter. Just the fact that I am weaving again makes me happy. From where I sit, I can see everything much more clearly.
In the loom of life may you weave joy and happy memories.  R

ps - R has a jeans store in Milwaukee called Shop at Next Door, and creates fabulous pieces to go with jeans, all of which are available on-line.
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