Monday, March 18, 2013

Babyboomers relish in moment in Balmoral swim

Hi there
What a great day - the photos say it all!
Overheard from "We can beat cancer" participants - "Relish the moment - can you believe you are here doing it? Be proud because you are amazing."
Makes me wish I was doing it too.

ps - by the way - there were people of all ages particiapating  including children and some  in their 80's, many of whom swim every day.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Featuring the Babyboomer body - it's OK to be white!

I'm going to be featuring the Babyboomer body because two glasses of good red wine have stopped the throbbing in my nose and upper right chest after a day procedure at RNS (local hospital).

It's important to pass it on to our children and grandchildren, even though they already know, that skin has 'memory', and my nose and right chest remembers the times I allowed them to be exposed to the sun. 

My Anglosaxon pale skin areas were exposed  pre awareness of skin memory and future damage from the sun's rays.  Initially, it was when, our family was out there having fun perhaps caravaning in Dad's homemade caravan in New Zealand.  If you caught too much sun on the weekend you would peel by Wednesday or Thursday when my sister and I had fun peeling the skin from each other's shoulders, like little monkeys.

Then there was the 'greater awareness stage' - a time when I wanted the look of the time, which meant being brown, even though I was a " 'pakehah - white person in Maori'."
By this time we had moved to Australia  and I was a teenager, with a brand new forbidden bikini.  Bondi had the whitest of sand and my visit there included a full body spray of coconut oil, resulting in my entire body being fried by the sun.  It also meant that the wearing of  the forbidden 'bikini' was revealed when  I returned home looking like a tomato - and that was how my dad treated the burn ie with ripe tomatoes. 

Fortunately our education has moved us on from this state of mind.  However many of us remain there and still want to be tanned. 
I actually don't want that any more and am reminded today that it's OK to be white.

Feedback  keeps me going.
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Friday, March 8, 2013

OK - this is my book - Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours

Hi Babyboomers
Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours is a coffee table book

Ok this is my book.  It's taken 2 years to write and it's been an amazing learning curve in so many ways.  I thought you might like to know what else I do with my time when I'm not blogging.

Mosman Meanders and foreshore flavours has been described as aMust have gift'Pages & Pages, after the book’s successful launch in December 2012.  It’s worth considering as a gift, with Mothers Day coming up as it will appeal to, families, residents and ex-patriots as a reference or a memento.

It’s a photographic style coffee table book, featuring  walks along the magnificent foreshores between Mosman and the Spit, and contains reference to the rich history and cultural heritage of the area.   Bushland walking tracks provide opportunities to view major Sydney icons such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, as well as some of the newly opened, navigational and maritime sites.   The book lists casual food and cafe destinations with recipes for readers to experience themselves.

You can pick up a copy  through local bookstores and some local cafes, or purchase online at .  This blog link will tell you more about the book which has proven popular, through the Pages & Pages on-line brochure, with expatriates  of Mosman.
My journey has released me from the spectre of retirement and since I'm now addicted to writing, there is a new book following of course. 
This one is going to be about retirement or more correctly about non-retirement, which will include interesting insights into this period of our lives.
Cheers C

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