Monday, April 5, 2010

Babyboomer women enjoying the freedom of wearing pearls with their jeans

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"Memoirs of a Babyboomer"
traces the decades we have experienced.
Dear R and other Babyboomers

I hope you have all had a relaxing Easter holiday.

Thanks R for the Easter photos especially the bonnets.  Roberto looks particularly fetching in his.

It's Easter Monday, G is back bearing beautiful gifts of natural pearls .  It used to be that we only wore pearls with a twinset, or when you were going somewhere very fancy - it's great that there is so much more freedom over the full range of jewellry, and I adore the way you put unlikely partners together to form your beautiful pieces.

G has already fixed all the things which broke down while he was in Vietnam - the computer needed the battery underneath jiggled (I could have done that since I am good at jiggling), my daughter must have turned off the hairdryer, at a secret plug that I didn't know about, and my phone just fixed itself.  So all's well!  We are going out for a juicy steak this evening since G is tired of Asian food.  I actually don't think that I would ever tire of it, and have been going rather heavy on the Thai takeaway while G was away. I am wearing my pearls with my white jeans and new flat and comfortable, black  HushPuppies which will be comfortable when broken in.
Cheers Clara

Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT

Easter Egg Hunt...April 3rd

Necklace of beads that remind me of dyed eggs.

In Our Easter Bonnet...April 4th

I am a day ahead with this post, however I know it's Easter down under. This is the perfect Easter bonnet for the north woods. Love R & R

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1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear G is back safe and sound. We are presently returning home from a very nice weekend up north. Roberto has launched his male modelling career and says his agent will be contacting us to arrange payment. This puts a whole new twist on HOGGING. I'm envious of your live in technical assistant. I'm the technician in our household and do all the jiggling. Googled jiggle and came across JOGGLE...need to add it to the COG list as the term for handling technical blogging issues.



    sending you a photo soon of a scrumptous meal on the grill


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