Sunday, September 26, 2010

Babyboomers devouring Avocado Dip with wine for antiageing effects

Hi Babyboomers
I usually post food blogs at but thought you might enjoy hearing about the amazing antiageing qualities of the avocado.
So what's all the fuss about Avocados?

Answer - They are an incredible superfood, as well as being delicious and versatile.

Avocado Dip - au naturale

My first tasting of avocado was as a newly married new foodie, discovering alternative foods to which my mum had served. In the 60's, avocados were referred to as Avocado Pears. Expecting a sweet taste, the oily, savoury taste and texture was a shock, a little like drinking your first cup of real coffee or glass of red wine.In designing a fingerfood menu Avocado Dip is a great start.
2 avocados – chopped or mashed
1/2 lebanese cucumber, sliced lengthways, deseeded, then chopped finely
2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup Greek yoghurt
Sea salt and cracked pepper

Chopped Mint or basil (or both) added at the end
Serve with vegetable sticks and /or Lebanese bread toasted – Lebanese cucumber, carrot, celery, capsicum.
Or do what we do - simply scoop from the flesh of the avo with a cracker - (my favourite being 'Salt and Vinegar Rice crackers' but a low GI cracker or bread would be better)

Re Avos - Don't be like me in the past - thinking that they contained oils and therefore avoiding them when in fact they are great for maintaining a healthy weight since fats are vital for good health. (Avocados contain fat, 60% is monounsaturated, 20% is polyunsaturated, and only 20% is saturated.)

Avocados are a wonderful fruit containing a mass of vital nutrients and fibre, are low in sugar and salt free, and contain per 100g-11% of the RDI of vitamin A, 11% of Thiamin, 19% of Riboflavin, 21% of niacin, 42% of vitamin C and 13% of magnesium, to name a few.

While lowering cholesterol, being a fantastic antioxidant and brilliant for your skin, when consumed prior to or during alcohol, avocado inhibits the ability of alcohol to cause fatty liver. So next time you're having a glass of wine try eating home-made avocado dip with veggie sticks.

Eat more avo's

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  1. When we lived in Southern California, we had two avocado trees in our back yard. Seasonally, we had our fill. Yum!!! Bill

  2. Thanks Bill
    You are really lucky to have an avo tree.


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