Dear Babyboomers
Yet again another first for this site - Books / authors we love. Please contribute.
R wrote - One of my favorite authors is Edith Wharton. I read anything of hers I can get my hands on. She was the first woman to win a pulitzer. I just finished a short story called "The bunner sisters". Found it on my Kindle...for free. That's what I do in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. She wrote about women and life back when it wasn't the thing to do.
Born 1862 New York City
Died 1937 (aged 75)
Occupation Novelist, short story writer, designer
"Beware of monotony; it's the mother of all the deadly sins." "If we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time."
Edith Wharton
I love having books recommended to me. Google'd Edith and like the sound of her work - life was so different for women in that era. Were the women in her books as happy/happier than women today? I'll have a look in Vinnies (St Vincents Thrift shop, where I buy most of my books, then pass them on to others. Could go to the library but I tend to take too long to read a book as I read at bedtime and nod off.
A group of women at our class, along with Chris the photography tutor, had coffee after class, during which we all confessed to being Thrift shop enthusiasts and ended up going to a "half price" sale where I picked up 'The Historian ' by Elizabeth Kostova. Looking forward to immersing myself in a captivating tale that blends fact and fantasy, history and the present. I love books which do that.
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