Dear Babyboomers and others
R wrote - "NOGGING, nanas / nonnas blogging (cogging) I love that. I will add it to my log of COGS. You realize there is no end to this COGGING. We have created a mobius, a continuous strand that has no beginning or end but has a unique twist to it. Perhaps the women's movement was more successful in creating liberated sons than daughters. Perhaps that is why young women today will be more successful in their marriages, and perhaps they will not even know why.
Clara - Chogger - children - it's endless. We must send it to Blogger for some extra rights such as tuition. It now occurs to me that our kids/children need our past to help them with their future. "We give them the gift of our experience" - we need not only to continue COGGING but to do some KOGGING or CHOGGING too. I haven't ever heard of the word 'mobius' so need to look it up. I agree and had already written the word 'endless' before I read your word.
If you see a few changes in the blog, it is due to my lovely neighbour who looks and sounds just like Tom Cruise (so shall be named Tom), who is an IT expert. He is one of your so called liberated sons and spends quality time with his children - "even dances with daughters - 5 and 8 ". I was a single parent with children 4 and 6 onward, so missed out on such beautiful experiences.
Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT
Thought you might enjoy seeing what you are missing. On my first attempt at Faux Forsythia my model fell over and my Hope Springs Necklace broke in a zillion pieces. There I was picking up beads midst rabbit and deer droppings. Back to the drawing board to restring the necklace. Next photo shoot was more successful.
Faux Forsythia...March 14th
Thought you might enjoy seeing what you are missing. On my first attempt at Faux Forsythia my model fell over and my Hope Springs Necklace broke in a zillion pieces. There I was picking up beads midst rabbit and deer droppings. Back to the drawing board to restring the necklace. Next photo shoot was more successful.
Faux Forsythia...March 14th
In an effort to brighten a very bleak environment, I added silk forsythia to the bare branches. It just seemed the thing to do.
I wanted to work with the bright gold and as a result a happy mistake resulted with my off the shoulder "poncho". Having only two small cones of yarn to work with, I knit a long rectangle with no garment in mind. After a bit of draping and seaming I came up with a new twist to the ancient poncho. Fun!
Clara - Fun / functional / funky / featuring Babyboomers best feature - shoulders. Love the off side draping which helps to create a fabulous layered look. ps you did a great job putting together Hope Springs Necklace - It looks better than ever.
Cheers Clara
Technical stuff - all you need to do to set up a similar 'muvee' /video as per yesterday, is to first download a free Google program called Picassa. Once you have done that I will guide you through a few simple steps. One other tech point was which Tom suggested that I download Google Chrome as an alterative to Internet Explorer which I did and found that Blogger worked better even allowing me to cut and paste within the program which I hadn't been able to do previously. He suggested that I keep both going for a while until it becomes obvious which one works best.
Technical stuff - all you need to do to set up a similar 'muvee' /video as per yesterday, is to first download a free Google program called Picassa. Once you have done that I will guide you through a few simple steps. One other tech point was which Tom suggested that I download Google Chrome as an alterative to Internet Explorer which I did and found that Blogger worked better even allowing me to cut and paste within the program which I hadn't been able to do previously. He suggested that I keep both going for a while until it becomes obvious which one works best.
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Blog.. to keep a web log
ReplyDeleteCo Blog communicate between two or more blogs
COG..the art of moving forward
COG ..Crazy Old Gals
Cogging.. COGS co blogging
Hogging.. Husbands getting in on COGGING
Nogging..nona's cogging about being nona's
Chogging..COGS cogging about children
YET..your extra time, your excellent time
US..your call
Success..many things to all of us to soon be CLARIFIED by Clara
CLARIFICATION.. something made clear by Clara
I'm off to shoot today's successful project. Hope you like. It has to do with a mobius.
Why does it not suprised me you have a Tom Cruise look alike neighbor who just happens to be a wiz kid with computers? I will definitely look into Picassa. What camera are you using for you muvees?