Dear Babyboomers
R wrote - Re the 60's - The closest I came to being a flower child was wearing a pair of bell bottoms that I made from a wild sunflower patterned fabric. Two big yellow flowers landed on my butt. So no doubt your daughter would lump me into the nerd category along with you.
Joie de Vivre wrote - So, if I have a ‘recipe’ for successful retirement, It’s do whatever it takes to value yourself enough to know you’ve done your best and now it’s time for you to please yourself and to get to know, deeply, what satisfies you. Then go do it! Can you hear the retired therapist in that?!! ..............Curves and an ocean dip and cauliflower soup done so far today – now for degustation at a new Bellingen restaurant tonight with a game or two of tennis beforehand.
Clara - it's great to hear from Joie de Vivre - "Old therapists never die they just ..........
Fabulous Recipe for Successful Retirement - Immediately added to the COGGERS list and I think it needs to go on the frig. I know the friends I have who are enjoying their own time at last, have found or are exploring to discover what it is, that is deeply satisfying. Personally, I love to share ideas and that is what I am doing. The process of that sharing, and what evolves from it, is deeply satisfying to me.
The term COG evolved from the concept of Co - blogging. R and I had both set up separate blogs to support our websites - R for with mine being
So I am a COG in her wheel and she in mine, which is what women have always done to support each other. It would be great if we could find some more COGs (crazy ole gals) to contribute towards 'Successful Retirement' (the blog, the book, the E- book, the movie, the .....etc), even if it is an occasional visit/comment. Few would be crazy enough to have our commitment but who knows? Let's Twist Again! Cheers Clara
Welcome to my journey as I photograph something I create everyday for a year... RRT
Ball and Chain...March 26th
Perhaps you are wondering if my project has become a ball and chain around my neck. Actually it's just the opposite. It has energized me and unleashed creative ideas that I look forward everyday to explore. Pearl and chain necklace.
From Pillar to Posted...March 25th
Loom knit drape neck dolman with "Stranded" necklace
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