Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hi Renotta
How do you do it? I am in total awe.

We have similar trees in the high country - Mt Kosciosko - which is not so high - paperbark gums.

Loom Knit Sweater and Scarf Feb 17

I spent my day attempting to sort out all the stuff I collect from the paper editorials.
The energy around my creativity at the moment, is in ideas, writing and photography. I understand that my blog lacks direction and structure - however I need to just blog in order to find direction.

I would love to see a photo of your studio - where you create these amazing pieces.
Love C

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely turning into an interesting exercise, getting me out in the elements. Today I am heading for the creek! I also plan to fix your hubby's pork dinner for mine. Wish me luck on both. I'll send you photos of my studio soon, after I clean it up. It's the worse for wear these days.


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