Hi there
You know what? Parenting has to be considered one of life's most amazing experiences.
To decide or otherwise to have a baby and go through the steps to make it happen, is perhaps the most important / significant decision couples or singles will ever make in their lives. We did it for whatever reason - BB's had the role modelling of the 1940's where the model was changing - 'The notion of what jobs a woman could do, expanded from nuturers who had no other destiny but to get married and have children. Up until then it was considered a woman's duty to have children in order to populate the nation.'
Grandparenting is equally an amazing role, where we have layer upon layer. We are no longer the major controllers / influencers of either our children and their children and yet we are there as role models, carers etc A sensitive space in which to find oneself.
A week of balancing a single/separated situation where I am in the middle as the Nonna, is rewarding / exhausting. And then they go home.
Australian baby-boomer, who loves to explore ideas and insights, inspiration behind old and new horizons, with a view towards experiencing a fulfilling retirement. "I'm in the process of completing my memoirs - so much has happened on our watch. Possibly, oriented more towards women but not necessarily so as we all are in the same retirement boat... I'd love your feedback and ideas so join in the discussion." Claire
Nuture V Nature - DNA is winning but the jury is still out on this issue