Monday, February 24, 2014

Reluctant Blonde Nomad enjoys passing parade.

Hi there Babyboomers
I never thought I would join the throngs of Babyboomers out there!  I can't quite bring myself to be a 'grey nomad' so the closest I can get is a 'blonde one.'
I was dragged kicking and screaming into the idea and still have my definite limits and reservations.  However, when you are sitting watching the passing parade as we did recently at Mungo Brush -  Myall Lakes - National Park, you can't help but embrace it.

I won't go on about the downpour we had when we were setting up and how I was getting soaked as I attempted to close a vent but was actually winding up the TV aerial.  Or the fact that there was air in the water pump so for the first morning  G was troubleshooting before any water flowed.

It was tranquil and relaxing and as one guy said, "You wouldn't be dead for quids."
Enjoy the video below.  (Doesn't enlarge well)

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