Sunday, December 30, 2012

To his fellow sinners - Happy New Year

 Henry Lawson has to have been the most prolific Australian poet with his down to earth comments on so many subjects - it makes one think that perhaps his language of thought was "verse". Here's one on New Year's Eve - to his fellow sinners.
Give yourself a Show: New Year's Eve

TO my fellow sinners all, who, in hope and doubt,
Through the Commonwealth to-night watch the Old Year out,
New Year’s Resolutions are jerry-built I know,
But I want to say to you, “Give yourselves a show”.

You who drink for drinking’s sake, love for lust alone,
Thinking heaven is a myth and the world your own—
Dancing gaily down to hell in the devil’s dance—
This I have to say to you: “Give your souls a chance”.

You who drink because of shame that you think will last,
Or because of wrong done you—trouble in the past—
“Nothing left to live for now,” you will say, I know;
But you have your own self yet, give that self a show!

You who want all things on earth—money, love, and fame
Having the advantage of worldly place or name—
You who have more than you want, even than you know,
In the glorious New Year give someone else a show.

You, the mischief-makers all, who in secret glee
Love to tell the villainies of a scamp like me;
There are things he’ll never tell—things you’ll never know—
Look into your own lives first—give the man a show.

You, the politician, who, for jealousy or gold,
Or for mean ambition, sell, or see your country sold,
Pandering to the hollow crowd, toadying to the low,
For shame’s sake banish selfishness—give your land a show.
Henry Lawson
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Emerson defines New Year Success

Wishing you all a successful New Year
 New Year "Reflections from my garden" video is below

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today is my birthday. Am I coping?

Hi Babyboomers
Today is my birthday - dangerously close to being unacceptable.

Am I coping? Yes, I have several strategies in place, of which 'denial' is the most effective. 
Seriously, however, involvement in something I love is what makes me happy that I have lived beyond the years that my parents and sister did.  Reinvention is another fantasic way to beat the years - recently I published a book  - weelll OK - "Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours" which I'll no doubt tell you about.  It has kept me busy for over two years and is now out there, doing OK.  How about that?  So I could tick 'Author' off the list but believe that writing is in my blood.
Now marketing it is keeping both my husband and myself busy. 
I can actually talk about him here - his name is G, with the reason I can, being that he "doesn't understand or read blogs".  
G gave me his presents weeks ago - a bike and helmet.  I'll tell you about the bike in another post - it has a little electric motor to help go up the many steep hills around the foreshores.  I'm actually quite nervous since I've fallen off twice, just need to practice. 
The day started with a coffee at a favourite cafe at Balmoral  and joined in the buzz created by the Balmoral Braves, a group of icebergers who swim all year round and reward themselves after the swim  with coffee and camaraderie. 
We are going out to dinner tonight to 'celebrate' at one of our local French Vietnamese restaurants which I'm told has lots of lovely little tasty courses. I spent the rest of the day catching up with blogging since writing a book is a demanding task.   
So it's been a good day with phone calls from friends and family -
 I'm going to end my session by  starting a new book.  A wonderful new friend (another strategy) says, "You must always have a painting on the go, or a book etc, because you can't die until you finish it."
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