Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Babyboomers 'feel the burn' again

Renotta ( our http://fitinyourjeanscuisine.blogspot.com   jeanophile and consultant) wrote in her last blog, 'Slim down', about 'Feel the Burn' reminded me of when we used to exercise to Jane Fonda's tape (what's that they say?). I kept doing that workout for decades.

So I googled 'Jane Fonda exercises for Older Women' and there it was, along with a blog she writes re fitness for the boomers. The Jane Fonda Fitness DVD For Older Women
I am going to buy it this week.

This is one fit 70 ish year old; one who would give
women half her age a run for their money. Jane Fonda, actress, model and fitness guru of the 1980’s is making a comeback with a fitness DVD program aimed at older women.

She wants to encourage the older demographic to work out, whom either stopped working out or never started.

Her age group and that of the baby boomers has been left out according to her.


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Monday, November 7, 2011

On a roll with ancient Chinese health & beauty techniques

Adapted from an article from 'SPA Australasia Nov 2011'   by ANTHONY KINGSTON .

Some health and beauty practitioners are starting to look back to one of the largest and best-recorded beauty systems, that of the ancient Chinese. Some of the “new” trends use common techniques of the ancient orient, including jade rolling and skin needling.

Ancient Chinese beauty techniques have been proven safe and effective by thousands of years use.  Jade rollers have been found in tombs dating back to the 12th century

Jade Rolling  - Simple and gentle, the jade head is rolled over the skin to promote movement of lymphatic fluid, which helps relieve fluid retention around the face and reduce swelling. The technique is particularly effective for relieving bags under the eyes and reducing sinus congestion.  When used on the throat the reduction of fluid in this
area helps to tighten the appearance of the skin.

With so much buzz around skin needling, or collagen induction therapy, in the last few years, few people realise how much these techniques owe to Chinese culture.
Skin Needling - The original form of skin needling was acupuncture, which was first used for facial rejuvenation during the Shui dynasty between 581 and 618 AD.  Following this, a variety of skin needling tools were invented for both health and beauty (the two were rarely separated in ancient Chinese culture). One of the earliest was the dermal hammer or seven-star needle, which contained seven tiny needles and was used for treating scars and blackheads among other beauty concerns (very similar in design and use to the modern dermal stamp). Around the same time, Chinese practitioners were, also treating hair loss with what can only be described as an early precursor to the dermal roller.

You can find out more about how needling is relevant today by visiting the link below. 
http://www.dermaviduals.com.au/Product/MTS-Roller-Clinical-Use.html    Clara

Derma Aesthetics Australia Pty Ltd

Derma Aesthetics Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 18 143 228 906

p: (+612) 9968 4914 f: (+612) 9969 8658
e: enquiries@skincorrection.com.au

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